The more I garden, the lazier I get. For example, when I first started, I routinely add a bag of mulch to each bed and fertilized my veggies every other week with fish emulsion! I guess you could say I had low soil esteem (ok, that will be the only pun, I promise). Turns out, you can skip a few years of fertilizing and stuff will keep growing. While we're on the topic of my laziness, I have tested my ph balance only once, don't remember what it was and have never worried about it since. That said, I did buy two bags of Fox Farm's Happy Frog Soil Conditioner on a recent trip to Talini's. Tossed in about and inch of the new mulch over the existing soil and mixed it while turning the soil with a shovel. At the same time I pulled out any left over weeds and veggies including one set of carrots....
Basically, I left a few carrots in one corner of the bed to see what they would do... I was hoping they would flower (where do carrot seeds come from?). Instead, they just kept growing, twisting around against one side of the garden to make one frankenstein of a carrot, nearly 20 inches long! (Oh and do you like my new gardening boots that I included for scale? You can still find them at in you're so inclined). So, after digging that carrot out, which took a while, adding mulch and turning the soil- I finally get to the title of this blog- pink garlic! It really is pink! And I did learn something new about garlic- there are soft necks and hard necks. Soft neck garlic can be easily braided. Now how's that for ridiculous cuteness, a pink garlic braid!